Our ethos in the present, our aims for the future and our past traditions are all interwoven.


The fundamental and far-reaching changes to our Samoan/Pasifika peoples lives generated by demands of a modern society cannot remain external to the work of Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (CCCS) or Porirua Ekalesia Faapotopotoga Kerisiano Samoa (EFKS). They call for the same degree of challenge, questioning and re-thinking of work practices within the church itself.

The commitment to integrated holistic principles reflected in the design of EFKS Porirua Church (EPC) religious teaching need also to stand true for the internal/external working environment of EPC from the Executive, to the congregation and all its various groups in their services to the community.

To survive, to be a viable, relevant church community over the long term, it is imperative to establish a separate autonomous not-for-profit organisation to operate and run services offerings along commercial practices with adopted business principles.

EPC through ATAMU is moving with the times in sympathy with Government initiatives and synthesis of what works where the strategic ability to move seamlessly between different approaches is the most important capability and competency of any organisation; now and in to the future. 


ATAMU - the service arm of the Porirua E.F.K.S

From inception ATAMU realises it must run its service operations effectively, efficiently and build value based on their unique resources, to achieve sustainable development. It needs to develop a mind-set of operating in an environment of a company seeking comparative advantage (CA) to sustain viability. Comparative Advantage derives from the organisations ability to assemble and exploit an appropriate combination of resources.

ATAMU intends to achieve sustainable development by continuously developing existing and creating new resources and capabilities in response to changing PESTE (Political, Economic, Social, Technology and Eco Systems) external conditions. Adding value based on strong Ethos, that reinforces the usage and improvement of existing analytical and operational frameworks, also strongly advocates an inside-out approach.

EPC leaders are unanimous in the view that the spiritual empowerment of individuals is dependent on their social and economic status. People need to be employed in meaningful and sustainable employment with decent incomes, good housing outcomes, high education achievement, and improved health outcomes and culturally confident in their identity and their place within their cultural environment.

All these factors combined will achieve social and economic wellbeing of EPC and its communities, thereby, strengthening, empowering and enriching the spiritual wellbeing of people.

The strategy ATAMU advocate is all about collaborative leadership and leadership development. Collaborative leadership leverages on the idea that we can all do better by working together seeking to become unique identities while building upon a constellation of our relations and traditions.


Our ethos in the present, our aims for the future and our past traditions are all interwoven.

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